November 6th Vote!

Today is the day to go out and make your voice be heard! Whether you go before work, after, or during you are doing your civil duty. After all this is a government run by the people for the people. You may think well I'm just one person what's the difference going to make? However, if everyone feels that way then only a small percentage of people will actually vote and the person you want to win won't because you didn't go. If you can't think of one reason to vote then let me give you some. If you don't vote for your  interests who will? Only 60% of people vote in the presidential election fewer vote in the midterm election. The excitement of casting your vote and the anticipation to see who wins. To honor the 2,852,901 U.S. citizens who gave their lives or have been wounded to protect the constitution that protects your right to self-determine your community, state, and nation. I'm asking you to take a small part out of your day to vote. It's now in your hands. Live on, Dream on, Eat on, and Vote on!

Click for 50 reasons to vote/picture source. 


  1. Voting is a civil duty that I wish more young people would take up! There is literally no reason not to!


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